Lamar State 大学 Port Arthur (正规靠谱赌博软件) is committed to providing everyone equal access. We want everyone to be able to access information easily, including individuals with 残疾的人. This document (the Plan) outlines 正规靠谱赌博软件’s strategy for compliance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 需求 pertaining to accessibility of websites and other electronic and information 资源 (EIR) for individuals with 残疾的人.

The Plan is designed to assist 正规靠谱赌博软件 units and EIR owners with meeting the 需求 for developing, procuring, maintaining, and using EIR in a way that meets accessibility 需求.

  1. 需求
  2. 无障碍环境协调员
  3. EIR Accessibility Exception 请求s
  4. EIR无障碍小组
  5. 目标
  6. 修复
    1. 采购产品和服务
    2. Internally-Developed 应用程序
    3. 网站
    4. Processes for Future 发展 and Purchases
      1. Revise Web/Web Application 发展 Process
      2. Revise Software Acquisition Process
  7. 培训计划
  8. Compliance Monitoring and 报告
    1. 采购产品和服务
    2. Internally-Developed 应用程序
    3. 网站
    4. 报告
  9. 文档控制


Accessibility 需求 established by the Texas Department of Information 资源 (DIR) were developed to ensure that individuals with 残疾的人 have access to and the use of 资源 comparable to the access and use available to individuals without 残疾的人, including members of the public.

看到 政策, Regulations and Standards.


The 正规靠谱赌博软件 无障碍环境协调员 (EIRAC) is the central point of contact concerning accessibility issues and solutions for our institution's electronic and information 资源. The EIRAC serves in a coordinating and facilitating role, with responsibilities 这包括以下内容:

  1. Develop, support, and maintain EIR accessibility policies, standards, and procedures.
  2. Process EIR accessibility exception requests and maintain records of approved exceptions.
  3. Develop and support a 计划 by which EIR (including websites and web applications) 会不会被强制执行. The 计划 shall include appropriate goals, a process for corrective actions to remediate non-compliant items, and progress measurements.
  4. Maintain documentation of accessibility testing validation procedures and results.
  5. Facilitate a response to concerns, complaints, reported issues, and Texas DIR surveys.
  6. Facilitate the development or acquisition of training solutions necessary to meet EIR accessibility-related 需求.

EIR Accessibility Exception 请求s

If 正规靠谱赌博软件 determines that compliance with a standard would impose a significant difficulty or expense, the EIRAC will assist in the preparation of the EIR Accessibility Exception 请求. The EIRAC shall evaluate the request, formulate recommendations regarding the request, and forward it to the President who will specify an expiration date for 批准的例外.


正规靠谱赌博软件 shall form an interdepartmental team representing key areas of the organization affected by EIR accessibility 需求. This team will have the following goals:

  • Facilitate progress in EIR Accessibility across the college
  • Identify issues and work to resolve them as a team.

The team will be comprised of the EIRAC and representatives from the following areas:

  • 学术事务
  • 残疾人服务/Special Populations
  • 远程教育
  • 教师
  • HR
  • 信息技术
  • 图书馆
  • 采购
  • 公共信息
  • 劳动力 & 继续教育


正规靠谱赌博软件 has identified the following revised goals for bringing its EIR into compliance.

  • 网页内容
    • 扫描
      • Select and procure web accessibility scanning tool.
        • 学院网站 - completed 5/9/2019 (Siteimprove)
        • 黑板上 - completed Fall 2020 (Ally)
      • Begin monthly site scans and remediation of errors.
        • 学院网站
          • Initial scan performed 5/19/2018.
          • Automated scans performed every 5 days.
          • 修复工作于2018年5月19日开始.
        • 黑板上
          • 6/30/2020: 目标 and remediation 计划 under development.
    • 网页
      • FY 2020
        • Siteimprove无障碍评分
          • Meets or exceeds industry benchmark (74.1) -在一年级完成
          • Meets or exceeds 90 - Completed in 第二年
        • Percentage of A/AA Errors Remediated
          • 50% Reduction 第一年 - Completed in 第一年
          • 10% Reduction Each Subsequent Year - On Track in 第二年
        • Percentage of A/AA Warnings Remediated
          • 50% Reduction 第一年 - Completed in 第二年
          • 10% Reduction Each Subsequent Year
        • Percentage of Pages with 0 Level A/AA Errors
          • 50% Reduction 第一年 - Completed in 第二年
          • 10% Reeuction Each Subsequent Year
      • FY 2022
        • In FY 2021, Siteimprove implemented a new scanning engine (NextGen) radically changed the way it identifies issues and potential issues. 这导致了一个新的得分 mechanism, new industry benchmark, new performance indicators, and new 报告. 
        • Benchmarks will be identified on 8/31/2021 and new goals will be identified based 在这些基准上.
    • PDF文档
      • 6/30/2020: 目标 for accessibility of PDF documents are being revised based on an initiative to reduce the overall number of PDF documents on the website.
      • 8/23/2021: Number of PDFs requiring accessibility scanning reduced from ~900 (2018) to 516.
  • 应用程序
    • 为EIR例外创建表单
      • 2018年11月竣工
    • Implement EIR Exception Process
      • 2018年11月竣工
    • 6/30/2020: Additional goals for application accessibility are being revised.
  • 培训
    • 6/30/2020: 基本/Introductory: This goal is being revised based on suitability 可用的培训产品.
    • 黑板:开发中.
    • 6/30/2020: 培训 for PDF accessibility will be included with web/content training.
    • 8/23/2021: Pilot department has been trained using Siteimprove Academy. 培训将 begin rolling out to the rest of campus beginning October 2021.


Level A/AA Web Page Accessibility
度规 5/20/2018 第一年
扫描总页数 631 778 970
Percentage of Level A/AA Errors Remediated Since Plan Start -- 92% 95%
Percentage of Level A/AA Warnings Remediated Since Plan Start -- 43% 92%
Percentage of Pages with 0 Level A/AA Errors 0% 0% 64%
网站提高可访问性得分 62.2 86.5 94.1
更新- 2021年8月23日

In February 2021, Siteimprove radically changed the way it reports on accessibility issues and the new method of 报告 is incompatible with the original method of 报告. As such, a new format for progress reports will be created. 进步会 be tracked by academic/fiscal year instead of project year and the new baseline will 截止到2021年8月31日.


Brining 正规靠谱赌博软件’s EIR into compliance involves assessment and review of EIR products and EIR development and procurement processes. 修复 will be prioritized based on criticality, number of users, and audience (e.g.,公众,学生,或 员工).


The EIRAC will work with 采购, IT 服务, and EIR Owners to identify procured EIR在正规靠谱赌博软件使用. The following actions will be performed for each EIR:

  • Obtain VPATs or equivalent documentation.
  • Perform automated and/or manual accessibility validation testing as appropriate.

For products and services that are not 可访问的, 正规靠谱赌博软件 will determine an appropriate course of action, which may include one or more of the following 行动:

  • 请求 an exception as per the EIR Accessibility Exception 请求 process.
  • Identify alternate method or formats.
  • Contact the vendor and determine the vendor’s 计划s for making their product or service 可访问的.
  • Identify and investigate procurement of equivalent 可访问的 products or services.

Internally-Developed 应用程序

The EIRAC will work with IT 服务 to identify internally developed applications 在正规靠谱赌博软件使用. Each EIR will be tested using appropriate automated and/or manual 可访问性验证工具. For applications that are not 可访问的, 正规靠谱赌博软件 will determine an appropriate course of action, which may include one or more of the following 行动:

  • 请求 an exception as per the EIR Accessibility Exception 请求 process.
  • Identify alternate method or formats.
  • 修改应用程序.
  • Replacing the application with a new internally developed application.
  • Replacing the application with a procured application.


The EIRAC will perform weekly scans of the following websites:

This list will be updated as necessary. The EIRAC will work with IT 服务 to remediate non-compliant web templates, web parts, style sheets, programming, and any other technical 网站的各个方面. For the purpose of remediation, web-based applications will be considered Internally Developed 应用程序. The EIRAC will work with content creators to facilitate remediation of content; however, it is ultimately the responsibility of those individuals to create 可访问的 content.

Processes for Future 发展 and Purchases

The EIRAC will work with IT 服务 and 采购 on the following process revisions:

Revise Web/Web Application 发展 Process
  • Adopt universal design principles
  • Test with SiteImprove prior to publication.
  • For procured web products, include accessibility 需求 and validation in the 工作范围.
Revise Software Acquisition Process
  • Establish a New Software Acquisition Workflow with 采购
    • 经EIRAC批准
    • IRM的最后签字
  • Include Accessibility criteria in ranking in RFP
  • Include State of Texas Requirement for VPAT
  • Include State of Texas Requirement for Indemnification


要求熟练掌握 主题 行政人员 教师 网络内容生产者 Web应用开发人员 & 测试人员 采购 & 合同员工
基本 HTML     要求 要求  
基本 CSS     可选 要求  
基本 Javascript     可选 要求  
基本 测试/工具     要求 要求  
基本 PDF(内部使用) 可选 可选 可选 可选 可选
基本 PDF (external use, including student) 要求 要求 要求 要求 可选
先进的 网页程式设计(e).g.、Java、 .净)       要求  
专业 采购需求         要求
专业 Validating Vendor Accessibility         要求

Compliance Monitoring and 报告

The EIRAC will oversee compliance monitoring and 报告.


The EIRAC will work with 金融 and Operations to develop and implement a compliance 监测计划.

Internally-Developed 应用程序

The EIRAC will work with IT 服务 to develop and implement a compliance monitoring 计划.


  • Compliance validation reports will be provided to EIR Owners on a monthly basis.
  • The EIRAC will work with IT 服务 to remediate non-compliance for technical aspects of the website beyond the control of content creators.
  • The EIRAC will work with content creators to facilitate remediation of content; however, it is ultimately the responsibility of those individuals to create 可访问的 content.


Compliance 报告, including progress reports, will be distributed to the EIR Accessibility Team and executive management on a regular basis.


版本 日期 Summary 更新
1.0 5/1/2018 初始文档创建 苏珊做饭
1.1 5/30/2018 更新 team member roles as per EIR Accessibility Kickoff Meeting on 5/29/2018. 更新 有完成日期的目标. 苏珊做饭
1.2 10/2/2018 小语种修订. 苏珊做饭
1.3 10/8/2018 转换为网页 苏珊做饭
1.4 09/24/2019 更新网站列表. 苏珊做饭
1.5 03/03/2020 Added EIR Accessibility Exception 请求 Form 苏珊做饭
1.6 8/6/2020 更新 goals based on limitations of accessibility scanning software. 年度更新 目标进展. 更新 training goals and matrix. 苏珊做饭
1.7 8/23/2021 更新 计划 based on major changes to Siteimprove accessibility scanning software. 年度更新 目标进展. 更新 training progress/goals. 苏珊做饭
1.8 5/16/2024 Minor update to Exception request process 苏珊做饭