拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港致力于创建和维护教育 community in which each individual is respected, appreciated, and valued. 我们的重点 on tolerance, openness, and respect is key in providing every member of the 正规靠谱赌博软件 community with basic human dignity free from all forms of Sexual Misconduct. 

性行为不端是一个广义的术语,包括一系列未经双方同意的性行为 or unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. The term includes but is not limited to 性侵犯,性剥削,性恐吓,性骚扰,家庭暴力 Violence, 约会暴力, and 跟踪. Sexual Misconduct can be committed by men or women, strangers or acquaintances, and can occur between or among people of the 同性或异性. This term also includes 第九条 性骚扰.



因为《正规靠谱赌博软件》最近修订了,我们对性有两种定义 骚扰. The first definition is specific to 第九条, while the other is the definition used in other state and federal laws.

第九条 性骚扰第九条性骚扰是指符合上述一项或多项规定的性行为不端 三种行为:
  1. A Component's 员工 conditioning provision of an aid, benefit or service of the Component on an individual's participation in unwelcome sexual conduct ("quid pro “骚扰”可能是明示或暗示的,不需要“严重”或“普遍”。 因为单一事件本身就具有“攻击性”,并危及平等的受教育机会;
  2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive and 客观上令人反感的是,它实际上剥夺了一个人对组件的平等访问权 Education Program or Activity, or
  3. "性侵犯," "约会暴力," "家庭暴力" or "跟踪" as defined 参考法规. 
性骚扰 under other applicable state and federal law根据其他适用的州和联邦法律,性骚扰指的是不受欢迎的基于性别的性骚扰 verbal or physical conduct that:
  1. 在雇佣环境中,不合理地干扰一个人的工作表现 or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment; or
  2. 在教育环境中,是足够严重、持续或普遍的 干扰学生参与教育或从教育中获益的行为 项目 or Activities at a post-secondary educational institution.


网络跟踪涉及使用包括互联网在内的电子手段达到目的 of a sexual nature, to stalk or harass a person or group of people. 在德克萨斯州,“网络欺凌” 被定义为使用任何电子通讯设备进行欺凌的人 和恐吓. So, this form of bullying falls under the broader bullying law. 有关 communications include, for example, statements made through social media and text 消息. (德州 Educational Code § 37.218.)

约会暴力 is violence committed by a person:
  1. who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and
  2. 在何种情况下,这种关系的存在应基于对价来确定 下列因素之一:
    1. the length of the relationship;
    2. 关系的类型;
    3. the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. (20 U.S.C. §1092)和34 CFR 668.46 (j)(1)(我)(B)

家庭暴力包括由家庭成员实施的重罪或轻罪暴力犯罪 current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom 受害者与同居或曾经同居的人共同拥有一个孩子 受害者作为配偶,亲密伴侣或室友,被一个类似的人 根据《正规靠谱赌博软件》受害人的配偶 或任何其他人侵害受保护的成人或青少年受害者 根据国家的家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法,该人的行为 德州.

抚摸是指为了达到某种目的而触摸另一个人的身体私处 of sexual gratification, without the 同意 受害人的情况,包括受害人没有能力给予同意的情况 because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental 无能.

强奸意味着对任何身体的阴道或肛门的插入,无论多么轻微 part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the 同意 受害者的故事. See also definition of 性侵犯 herein.

性别歧视,也被称为性别歧视,涉及到对待a person unfavorably because of that person’s sex.

性犯罪 include any sexual act directed against another person, without the 同意 of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of 给 同意.

性侵犯 is defined as forcible or nonforcible sex offenses under the FBI's 统一犯罪报告(美国.C.[20] [au:.S.C. 1092 (f)(6)(A)(v)], which includes these two offense categories:
  1. 性犯罪,强迫性:任何针对他人的性行为,没有 同意 of the victim including instances where the victim is incapable of 给 同意
    1. Forcible 强奸: (Except 法定强奸罪) The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and/or against that person's will or not forcibly or against the person's will in 受害人因其临时身份而无法给予同意的情况 or permanent mental or physical 无能.
    2. 强制鸡奸:与他人发生口交或肛交,强制和/或 违背该人的意愿,或者不强制,或者在某些情况下违背该人的意愿 受害人由于年轻或其他原因而无法表示同意 of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical 无能.
    3. 用物体性侵犯:使用物体或工具非法插入; 然而轻微,生殖器或肛门打开另一个人的身体,强行 and/or against that person's will or not forcibly or against the person's will in instances where the victim is incapable of 给 同意 因为他/她的年轻或因为他/她暂时或永久的精神或身体 无能.
    4. 强行抚摸:为了性目的而触摸另一个人的私处 purpose of sexual gratification, forcibly and/or against that person's will or not 在受害人没有能力的情况下,强迫或违背当事人的意愿 给 同意 因为他/她的年轻或因为他/她暂时或永久的精神或身体 无能.
  2. 非强迫性犯罪:(卖淫犯罪除外)非法的、非强迫性的性行为 性交.
    1. 乱伦:有亲属关系的人之间的非强制性交 within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
    2. 法定强奸:与法定强奸犯发生非强制性的性行为 的时代 同意.

性侵犯的例子包括但不限于以下未经双方同意的行为 性行为:

  1. sexual 性交 (vaginal or anal);
  2. 口交;
  3. 强奸或强奸未遂;
  4. 插入:用阴茎、手指或其他物体插入(肛门、阴道、口腔)口;
  5. unwanted touching of a sexual nature;
  6. 使用胁迫、操纵或者强迫他人进行性接触的; including touching of breasts, chest, buttocks and genitalia;
  7. engaging in sexual activity with a person who is unable to provide 同意; or
  8. knowingly transmitting a sexually-transmitted disease to another.

See also definition of 性侵犯 pursuant to 德州 Penal Code §22.011.

当一个人在未经同意的情况下获得性优势或虐待性优势时,就会发生性剥削 为他人的利益或利益,或为他人的利益或利益 other than the one being exploited.

性剥削的例子可以包括但不限于以下情况 行为:

  1. 卖淫的;
  2. 未经同意的电子记录,拍摄,或传输亲密或 sexual utterances, sounds or images without the knowledge and 同意 有关各方;
  3. voyeurism (spying on others who are in intimate or sexual situations);
  4. 超出了同意的界限(比如让朋友躲在壁橱里) watch another friend having consensual sex); or
  5. 未经他人同意,散布他人的私密或性信息 同意.

性恐吓 includes but is not limited to:
  1. threatening another with a non-consensual sex act;
  2. 跟踪 or Cyber-stalking of a sexual nature as defined in 德州 Penal Code 42.072; or
  3. engaging in indecent exposure as defined in 德州 Penal Code 21.08.

性暴力是指违背个人意愿实施的身体性行为 or where a person is incapable of 给 同意. All such acts are forms of Sexual Misconduct.

跟踪被定义为参与针对特定个人的一系列行为 这将导致一个理性的人(a)担心他或她的安全或安全 of others; or (b) suffer substantial emotional distress. [34 U.S.C. 12291 (a)(30) and 德州 Penal Code Section 42.072.]

法定强奸是指与未达到法定年龄的人发生性关系 of 同意.