Intermediate Welding Certificate

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这是正规靠谱赌博软件和德州东南ABC的合作项目.   正规靠谱赌博软件 is providing all registration and training.  正规靠谱赌博软件教师是经过认证的NCCER教师 正规靠谱赌博软件将与ABC共享每日出勤数据,ABC将记录出勤情况 the NCCER database.  

Meet your Instructor:

丹尼尔·斯皮特勒是荷兰人,2001年从荷兰高中毕业.  Mr. 斯皮特勒在拉马尔理工学院获得了三个副学士学位.  除了焊接学位,他还拥有先进发动机技术学位 and Computer Aided Drafting.

Daniel Spittler


Program Information


  1. 黑色金属的切割,同时强调焊接和切割的安全性和基本焊接 processes
  2. oxy-fuel gas cutting and welding
  3. shield metal arc welding (SMAW)
  4. Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW)
  5. gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
  6. an introduction to gas metal arc welding (GMAW)

LSC-PA中级焊接证书课程旨在纳入所有 对课堂活动、实验室活动和测试参与学习 the NCCER Welding Certificates for Level 1 & Level 2 Welding.  ABC of Southeast Texas, 当地的NCCER培训中心,将申请NCCER认证.

Schedule and Location

  • 选择Apply Now按钮以获得开始日期列表.
  • 周一至周四上午9点至下午4点15分上课.
  • Classes will meet on the Associated Builders & Contractors of Southeast Texas campus located at 2700 N Twin City Hwy, Nederland, TX 77627


  • 证书课程的学费为5,200美元,包括所有必要的用品.
  • 这门课程是为那些想要快速发展的学生提供的非学分课程 就业,而不是证书或两年制学位. Because of this it is not eligible for regular students funding. Funding for the program is available through 退伍军人管理局以及德州劳动力委员会.

Graduation Requirements

学生必须在入学期间完成每门课程.   出勤率低于70%的学生将自动退学.  本课程包含书面测试和涉及实际演示的测试 of welding techniques.  学生的平均成绩必须达到70分或以上 to pass the course.  学生必须通过满意的技术演示 of the course instructors.  只有通过笔试和口试的学生才可以 课程的示范部分将被授予劳动力证书和 specific NCCER Certification.

虽然不可能获得中级焊接证书的部分奖励 有可能获得该课程NCCER元素的部分奖励.  For example, 学生可以被认证为完成NCCER核心和完成NCCER 1级焊接,但他们可能无法通过课程的最后部分.  In this case they 会被授予他们已经获得但没有获得的NCCER认证吗 中级焊接证书或NCCER材料的截面证书 in which they failed to demonstrate mastery. 

Course Information

参加中级焊接证书课程的学生将获得学分 for each of the following four Welding Courses:

Intermediate Welding Certificate Program

Course Hours
Introduction To Welding Using Multiple Processes WLDG 1000 80
Intermediate Welding Using Multiple Processes WLDG 2013 160
Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) WLDG 2051 80
Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) WLDG 2043 80


View Course Descriptions


Course Descriptions

Course Description: Equipment used in oxy-fuel and arc welding. Includes cutting of ferrous metals. Emphasizes 焊接与切割安全及基本焊接工艺.

End-of-Course Outcomes: 识别与氧气燃料和电弧焊接和切割工艺相关的安全程序; and demonstrate basic welding and cutting.

Course Description: 在演示和指导下使用布局工具和阅读蓝图 以下一些焊接工艺的实践:氧气气体切割和焊接; 保护金属电弧焊(SMAW)、气体金属电弧焊(GMAW)、药芯电弧焊 (FCAW),气体钨极弧焊(GTAW),或任何其他批准的焊接工艺.

End-of-Course Outcomes: 识别合适的安全设备和工具,识别和选择合适的焊接 process for a given application. 使用不止一种认可的技能培训 welding process; demonstrate ability to analyze situations and make decisions using skills as taught concerning safety and electrode selections; and select the most economic and practical welding process for the given task.


Course Description: GTAW焊接高级专题,包括各种位置和方向的焊接.

End-of-Course Outcomes: Demonstrate proficiency in various welding positions; describe safety rules and equipment used; and describe the effects of welding parameters in GTAW; weld various joint designs; diagnose welding problems; and perform visual inspection.


Course Description: Advanced topics based on accepted welding codes. Training provided with various electrodes 在所有位置开v型坡口的保护金属电弧焊工艺中.

End-of-Course Outcomes: Describe effects of preheating and post weld heating; explain precautions used when welding various metals and alloys; distinguish between qualification and certification procedures; and discuss problems of welding discontinuities; perform open groove welds 所有位置均采用低碳钢和低合金电极.



NCCER Certifications

NCCER是一家非营利的501(c)(3)教育基金会,成立于1996年 Center for Construction Education and Research. It was developed with the support 超过125位建筑业首席执行官和各种协会和学术领导 联合起来改革建筑行业的培训. Sharing the common 为了培养一支安全高效的劳动力队伍,这些公司创建了标准化的 training and credentialing program for the industry. This progressive program has 演变成课程超过70个工艺领域和完整的系列更多 在4000多个nccer认可的培训和评估中提供了70多个评估 locations across the United States.