Computer Programmer Certificate

Students who are primarily interested in application programming should pursue the Computer Programmer Certificate option within the Software Developer degree. Computer programmers use their skills in programming languages, graphic design, animation and multimedia to create Web pages, applications and programs for end users. They also may be responsible for maintaining web pages and updating the text and graphics when necessary.

Program Outcomes

  • Utilize basic software development terminology and concepts.
  • Apply a software-development process todevelop and troubleshoot a software product.
  • Create computer graphics for inclusion into a software product.
  • Translate, interpret, and use basic computer terminology and jargon.
  • Identify procedures for security risk management in the computer field.

Critical Thinking
Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Professional Ethics and Confidentiality

Career Information

A certificate in Computer Programming opens opportunities in Video Game Developer, Video Game Designer, Video Game Artist, Software Developer, Java Developer, Web Design Developer, Computer Programmer, Database Developer or Administrator.

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Recommended Program of Study
Course Title SCH
First Semester
GAME 1303 Introduction to Game Design & Development 3
GAME 1336 Introduction to 3D Game Modeling 3
IMED 1416/GRPH 1405 Web Design I or Introduction to Graphic Arts and Printing 4
POFT 1127 Introduction to Keyboarding 1
POFT 1313 Professional Workforce Preparation 3
Second Semester
ITSC 1401 Introduction to Computers 4
ITSE 1333 Mobile Applications Development 3
ITSE 1359 Introduction to Scripting Languages 3
ITSE 1346 Database Theory and Design 3
ITSE 2321 Object-Oriented Programming 3
Total   30


Sarita Medhekar
Software Developer/Game Design Program Director
Education I, Room 107

Raymond Sweat
Adjunct Instructor

Brenda Duhon

Gamers United

Alpha Beta Gamma


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