警告: Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hazmat - ELDT Online Training Application

NOTE: Fields marked with * are required.

(click or tap for calendar control)
Email is the preferred method of communication. Please provide an email address that you check regularly. If you do not have an email address, please make sure you provide good contact phone numbers.
( ) -
( ) -
Demographic Information
Are you Hispanic or Latino:*
古巴人, 墨西哥, 波多黎各, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, 不分种族.
Racial Group (select all that apply):*


If you have any questions or concerns prior to submitting your application, please contact the Dean of Technical Programs/劳动力 Training Office at (409) 984-6238.

Space is limited so registration for the course will be a first come, first serve basis.

Applicants Eligibility and General Requirements


  • Complete and submit this application form
  • Tuition and Fees must be paid in full and all admission requirements satisfied by published deadlines.
  • Submit completed documentation of ALL requirements prior to being able to register for the class.

Please note some of these requirements have time-sensitive deadlines.

Acceptance of an application does not guarantee a student a seat in the course. Classes may fill quickly, preventing you from registering even though you have completed the application process. Students must notify the 劳动力/继续教育 and the Admission and Records offices of any change in applicant data. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of permission to register in the classes or the inactivation of the application. The tuition payment must be paid in full and all admission requirements satisfied by published deadlines or students will be dropped from the program.

Access to Lamar State College-Port Arthur's programs or activities shall not be limited on the basis of race, color, 信条, 国家的起源, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 政治面貌, or physical disability. Applications accepted year round.

Completed forms may be submitted in person to the 劳动力 & 继续教育 Department located on the second floor of the Industry Training Facility at 1048 Lakeshore, 或邮寄至:

劳动力 & 继续教育
Lamar State College Port Arthur
P. O. 310箱

Acknowledge and Submit Application
  • I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
  • I understand that any misrepresentation or falsification of information is cause for denial of admission or expulsion from the College.
  • I understand that the faculty and staff of the 继续教育 and Admission and Records offices will read the information contained in this application.
  • I have read and understood all information included on this application and all related documents and requirements.

正规靠谱赌博软件的 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is provided in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of 校园安全 Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f), 34 CFR 668.46).